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Replacing Locks: When and How

Replacing locks is a common procedure that every home or vehicle owner may have to have done from time to time. Lock replacements help increase security and alleviate a variety of other issues you may be experiencing with your locks. Consider the scenarios listed below. Make sure you get your locks changed as soon as possible if you are experiencing any of these issues with your personal security.

Home Locks

Broken or Damaged Locks

Any broken locks on the doors leading into and out of your home should be taken care of immediately. This kind of situation may likely constitute an emergency, since you will not be able to securely lock up your property. It is highly advised that you attend to a broken lock immediately by calling a locksmith right away. Even if it means missing some time at work or pushing off errands you need to run, you should always make fixing a broken lock a top priority.

Security Upgrades

A lot of homeowners opt to replace their locks in order to increase their overall home security. Electronic locks and smart locks are becoming very popular for homeowners everywhere. Most often, if and when you decide to upgrade your current home locks to electronic ones, a full lock replacement will be necessary.

Increase in Criminal Activity

Any time there is any sort of increase in crime in your area or other concerns of the sort, you should always consider upgrading your locks or replacing them with better models. Even if you do not need to change your locks, there are other things you can do to increase your security during times like this. Make sure your property has adequate lighting during the evening and nighttime hours and always be sure to securely lock all of your doors and windows before leaving your property, even for just a short period of time.

Vehicle Locks

Broken or Worn Locks

Any locks on your vehicle that are broken should be taken care of right away. While it can be easy to push off a lock replacement for a given vehicle, any kind of faulty locks on your car will put your security at risk. If a criminal takes note of a broken lock somewhere on the vehicle, they may try to take full advantage of the situation and either steal your belongings or the vehicle itself. Make sure to address and take care of any broken locks on your vehicle as soon as possible to avoid theft and other mishaps.

Buying a Vehicle Second-Hand

If you purchase a used car from a dealership, there is a good chance that they may have already replaced the keys or locks on the vehicle. You will want to inquire, however, and determine whether or not any type of replacement or change has taken place. If not, you will want to see to it that the locks are changed right away. This will help to not only increase your security, but ensure that your vehicle has working locks, especially since you are purchasing it second-hand.

If you purchase a used car through an advertisement or from a stranger, you should make sure the locks are changed and a new set of keys is issued to you as soon as possible. This is advised since you will have no way of knowing for sure who may have copies of that particular vehicle key. Worst case scenario, someone who knew the vehicle seller may have a copy of the key and steal your vehicle at a later date. You can avoid any potential hassles or problems by ensuring you are the only individual that has a working key.

East Cobb Locksmith

Business Locks


If you own a business, one of the things you will want to consider is replacing your locks for upgraded models. If you do not already have electronic locks of some sort that are used to secure your business, you should consider making the switch. Most business owners prefer electronic locks because of their increased protection and ability to withstand break-ins.

Criminal Concerns

Just like with home lock replacements, you will want to consider changing the locks on your business as a preventative measure against criminal activity and theft. It is always preferred to prevent a situation from happening, rather than dealing with the fallout of a catastrophe later. You can not only avoid disaster, but better protect your business assets around-the-clock. You should consider electronic locks of some kind, no matter how large or small your business building may be.

Why You Should Hire a Locksmith

Regardless of what kind of locks you need to have replaced, always remember to work with a certified and professional locksmith. While some may be tempted to try and replace and install new locks on their own, this is not recommended. Because locks are so important for security and maintaining control over one’s assets, you do not want to risk a poor replacement for the sake of saving money or convenience. It is a much better option to go to a locksmith first and have your new locks installed properly by someone who knows what they are doing.

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